RCUK 100


Creative Direction for The Road Cycling UK 100 2016-18. This project showcases 100 top-rated road cycling products of that year, as selected by the RCUK Editorial team.

The content consists of 10+ video reviews and studio photography of all 100 products ranging from complete bikes to cycling computers. The video content is a mix of product shots and aspirational action footage showing the bikes being ridden at a professional standard. This is edited into an informative review, presented by the RCUK editorial team, and complimented by tracked motion graphics to highlight key product features.

The art direction of the studio imagery was updated each year giving the project a unique look and feel.

This page features a 30-second reel of selects from each year’s videos, plus examples of the studio imagery.

RCUK 100


RCUK 100


Credits 2018
1st Camera and editing: Johnny Elia
2nd Camera and editing: Mike Brindley
Producer: Sarah Rimassa
Riders: Georget ScottToby Martin
Studio Photography: Robin Pearson


Credits 2016
1st Camera and editing:
2nd Cam and editing: Will Berman
Producer: Sarah Rimassa
Riders: Georget Scott,  Ash Quinlan
Studio Photography: Chris Johnsont


Credits 2017
Submotion Productions
2nd Cam and editing: Will Berman
Producer: Sarah Rimassa
Studio Photography: Teneight



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